Welcome to Crowhill Views.
Together Developing a World Class Estate
Crowhill Views is a developing private residential suburb on the borders of Borrowdale , just 3km away from Borrowdale Brooke in Harare.
Our Residents and their families can now create a better Lifestyle
Crowhill was first launched as a "parallel development" scheme more than 10 years ago so that by 2030 a lot of people will be able to own land and build their properties in Harare. A parallel development scheme is a special project which allows the building of properties while at the same time the development of roads and other infrastructure is taking place.That is why stands are so affordable,way beyond market value.Once the roads and other infrasture development is complete,the price of stands will be more than double the current selling price today.
If you bought your stand some time ago,dont miss out on building your property now.Hundreds of houses have been built already and we are urging those who bought already to start building beautiful houses and mansions suitable for such prime suburb next to Borrowdale.
Discover Crowhill Views
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The process of buying stands in Crowhill

Buying stands in Crowhill is to be done deligently to avoid scammers.Request information of any available stands being sold to the public by contacting the area agent.
The area agent will consult with all developers in the area.The area agent is independant and fair ,seeking to work with all legitimate developers in Crowhill ,promoting fairness and transparency.
If any developer has any available stands,the area agent will arrange viewing of the stands.If client is happy,all payments will be made to the developer not the area agent.